May 03, 2022

“Luxury” Ultra leaves its Mark

Highland Kings, a premium events company, were on the Isle of Arran last week and the ripple of their event has been heard across social media as images emerge of…
February 08, 2022

Introducing our new podcast "Paths in the Outdoors"

A new addition to the MyOutdoors content has arrived. There have been interviews posted on our YouTube for a little over a year now and the idea has been discussed…
July 20, 2020

Wild camping - a fight or flight dilemma

Over the last couple of months there's been countless column inches in the mainstream media devoted to "wild camping", and none of it has been good.
June 03, 2020

Abandoning conquest

Today I saw a Tweet suggesting you conquer a hill in your lunchtime. A fine idea you’d imagine, and it is, but something about the language grated.
August 15, 2019

Albert and being Sustainable.

What connects a tiny patch of snow in Scotland to a Blackpool pub and landslides in the Alps? Henry Iddon pulls the threads together in a guest Editorial on sustainability.
June 05, 2019

Wild camping - is it time for a conversation?

Wild camping isn't something we're used to seeing make the national papers, it's something we tend to whisper about in public; seen as illegal but widespread with enlightened national park…
May 21, 2019

What future for hill wakers in the BMC as reports say departing hill walking officer may not be replaced

When the BMC proposed a name change to Climb Britain a couple of years ago the result was a membership meltdown the likes of which the organisation hadn't seen since…